W3RT CVS provides advice and support on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). We can carry out DBS checks for local community & voluntary organisations. Our fees are competitive with other providers.

The DBS service enables community and voluntary groups to make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. For more information, please email [email protected] 

Volunteers are an invaluable resource for organisations and can bring real expertise to your activities. It’s important that volunteers are well supported, trained and equipped to make the best use of their time and skills to benefit your organisation.  

Volunteering should also be enjoyable too, so careful planning to create a consistent and meaningful volunteer journey will improve retention of your best volunteers and help you to manage any challenging situations.  

W3RT CVS can support you with developing a thorough volunteer engagement and support journey and provide admin support for members for DBS checks where needed for a reduced fee.